Barefoot path creation – Saturday 6th April

This event was originally planned to coincide with NL Doet 2024. We have switched to a more convenient date because we won’t be accepting the offered Oranjefonds funding this year. This is because we don’t have a required business bank account, because such accounts quietly drain any donations we may receive. So a change of date and a slight change of plan but the barefoot path is coming!

Join our small friendly international team of volunteers to help create a new barefoot path in one of the River of Herbs orchards.

9.30 – 10.30 Saturday 6th April 2024

River of Herbs Orchards, behind Huize Frankendael (Restaurant Merkelbach). Middenweg 72, Amsterdam.

We will do some clearing of the existing path surface, make the path edges and compartments with found fallen wood and then will infill the space with a selection of natural materials such as sand, moss, pine cones and scented herbs. The photos show how the barefoot path was created last time around. We will make simpler edging this time but the concept will be the same – 100% natural, locally found materials giving an interesting sensory experience.

Because we use only natural materials in the River of Herbs orchards, it gradually was reclaimed by the soil and wild creatures.

This spring we have relaid the woodchip paths in the four beautiful ecologically managed foraging orchards. We also did lots of sensitive tree maintenance during winter, with the help of Chris, the park gardener. And we created a simple seating area, within a dense patch of wild garlic.

The orchards look great and it is now time to recreate the barefoot section of one path.

If you can spare some time to help, please bring your own gardening gloves and a trowel (if you have one). Herb tea and biscuits provided. Wear decent footwear and contact us beforehand if you have any questions via or 0627596o30. It may take a few sessions to complete the task and you are welcome any week.

There is always space here for volunteers, either occasional or regular. No experience is needed, there is no waiting list and you don’t need to help every week. We do this all through the year and simply request that new volunteers love urban nature and want to help take good care of it.